NARST: National Association for Research in Science Teaching

NARST is a global organization for improving science teaching and learning through research. Since its inception in 1928, NARST has promoted research in science education and the communication of knowledge generated by the research. The ultimate goal of NARST is to help all learners achieve science literacy.

News & Announcements

Deadline March 10: The Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST) is seeking applications to fill positions on its Editorial Board. The journal invites applicants from all methodological backgrounds.
NARST is excited to announce and congratulate its 2025 award recipients! At the upcoming NARST 98th Annual International Conference in Washington, DC, we will honor the awardees during a luncheon reception
March 5: Enhancing your NARST Conference Experience. March 5: Well-being Check-In and Community Building. March 6: Multiple Assessment Measures to Create a Holistic View of a Biotechnology Course at an HBCU. March 29: Navigating Science Education in the AI Era: A Critical Reflection for Science Educators
National Harbor Skyline
In Praise of Science Teachers
March 23 - 26, 2025
Washington, DC

Virtual Conference Day
March 13, 2025
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The Journal of Research in Science Teaching is in its 60th year of publication!
Research Briefs
Research Briefs are one page overviews of an article published in JRST. Each Research Brief includes an introduction, a summary of the essential findings of the original article, and a takeaway message.
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We would like to assure you that we remain firmly committed to the mission of NARST to help all learners achieve science literacy and our position that access to high quality science education must be considered a basic human right.