Standing Committees
Awards Committees
The Awards Committee consists of Award Selection Sub-Committees that solicit nominations and select winners of each of the NARST awards. The Awards Committee will also discuss issues related to equity and efficiency in the selection process, and the appropriateness of the award in terms of the NARST mission. If necessary this committee will recommend changes in awards or procedures to the Board of Directors.
Elections Committee
The committee develops recommended slates for the organization’s elections. These slates should reflect the diversity of the NARST membership. The Committee organizes nominations made by the membership and evaluates potential candidates in order to develop recommended slates of candidates to be approved by the NARST Board.
Equity and Ethics Committee
The Equity and Ethics Committee will provide leadership and guidance to NARST on issues of equity and ethics including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disabling conditions, sexual orientation, language, national origin, and religion.
External Policy and Relations Committee
The External Policy and Relations Committee will review existing educational policies at the state, national, and international levels and produce position papers based on research. These papers would assist policymakers and the public-at-large to make more informed decisions. This committee will also foster the development of partnerships and collaborations with appropriate professional organizations and groups concerned with the quality of science teaching and learning.
Graduate Student Committee
The Graduate Student Committee membership consists of graduate student members appointed by the President-elect. Committee members serve for two years. The Chair of the Graduate Student Committee is the Graduate Student Representative, a non-voting (ex-officio) liaison to the NARST Board. A Board Director is appointed to serve as an ex officio advisor to the committee.
International Committee
The International committee will recommend policy to the NARST Board concerning matters of international science education research; represent the concerns, interests, and unique perspectives of international members; and stimulate collaborations and exchanges of ideas between NARST and other international science education organizations.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee examines the membership of NARST as an organization and reports on the membership as dictated by the NARST Board; generates plans to recruit more members to NARST; and ascertains and responds to the ongoing needs and interests of the membership as a way to retain members.
Program Committee
The Program Committee is chaired by the President, and assists the President in planning and conducting the annual meeting. The committee members are the Strand co-Coordinators, the President and President-Elect, and the Executive Director.
Publications Advisory Committee
The Publications Advisory Committee will recommend policy concerning NARST publications, and develop and disseminate additional publications specifically design for use by media, policy-makers, education officials, teachers, and other professional organizations. This committee will also monitor the process of development of publications initiated by the External Policy and Relations Committee, and the Research Committee. This committee will also monitor and oversee changes to the NARST website.
Research Committee
The Research Committee will develop, organize and/or implement various professional development activities for the NARST membership, including special research topic pre-sessions at the Annual Meeting, and research reviews and research-oriented document specifically designed for internal use and members' benefits. The committee will also fill NARST-allocated slots at the NSTA conventions as well as conceptualize, develop and disseminate reviews of research and white papers on appropriate topics.
Social Media, Website, and Communications Committee
The Social Media, Website, and Communications Committee provides leadership and guidance to NARST regarding the organization’s website and social media presence.