Research Interest Groups
Continental and Diasporic Africa in Science Education RIG (CADASE)
The purpose of CADASE RIG is to (a) encourage science educators to engage in research aimed at meeting the needs of people of African descent; and (b) provide intellectual, professional, and personal space for science educators engaged in such research. This RIG will provide opportunities for science education researchers to integrate the study of culture, ethnicity, gender, race, and social class as lenses for performing critical analyses and evaluations of prevailing theory and practice of science education on the lives of people of African descent. A variety of theoretical and methodological frameworks will be used to address issues in science curriculum, learning, teaching, assessment and evaluation, and policy issues in both K-14 formal and informal venues in different contexts.
Chair: Rona Robinson-Hill,
Secretary: Romola Bernard,
Treasurer: Stanton Bedford
Special Administrative Session Committee
Drs. Rona Robinson-Hill & Shari Watkins (Co-chairs)
Jonathan Hall
Brenda Brand
Line Saint-Hilaire
Gillian Bayne
Andre Green
Latino/a RIG (LARIG)
The Latino/a RIG supports social networks that further research agendas regarding Latino/a science learners. LARIG also serves as a support and mentoring alcoba (space) for Latin@s/Latino science educators and others interested in Latin@ science education.
Chair: Angela Chapman,
Co-Chair: Uma Ganesen,
Contemporary Methods for Science Education Research
The broad purpose of this RIG is to advance the mission of NARST by maintaining the rigor of science education studies, as well as promoting more standardized research practices across the organization such that we are better able to learn from and synthesize each other’s work. The intent is that these outcomes will, in turn, allow us to keep advancing the field and maintain the relevance of our research to improving science teaching and learning.
Chair: Brock Couch,
Communications Officer: Stephanie Stanley,
Engineering Education RIG (ENE-RIG)
The purpose of the RIG in Engineering Education is to synergize research in science and engineering education, promote rigorous research in engineering education, and provide a collaboration and discussion space supporting intellectual and professional exchange and networking.
Chair: Monica Cardella,
Co-Chair: Christopher Wright
Indigenous Science Knowledge Research Interest Group (ISK-RIG)
The ISK-RIG was set up to showcase and provide support to current and future research works of a growing number of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) researchers working within indigenous communities throughout the world who are members of NARST. This group includes active members from Africa and the African Diaspora, Alaska, Australia, Canada, Indigenous populations of the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, the Middle East, Thailand, Nordic Regions, New Zealand, Scandinavia, the West and East Indies, etc. The goal is to increase awareness of what indigenous knowledge systems can contribute to research.
Chair: Julie Robinson,
Co-Chair: Bhaskar Upadhyay,
Secretary: Rouhollah Aghasaleh,
Treasurer: Pauline Chinn,
Research in Artificial Intelligence-Involved Science Education (RAISE)
This RAISE RIG aims at employing AI to extend the landscape of science education, increase the capacity of all participants in the venture to face worldwide challenges, and significantly address the equity and ethical problems in the world broadly. This RIG will (a) support cutting-edge innovations using AI to address learning, teaching, assessment, equity and policy issues in science education; (b) communicate the cutting-edge research involving AI to all researchers, practitioners, and policymakers; and (c) encourage junior scholars in the field to pursue AI innovations within science education research as it is broadly practiced.
Chair: Xiaoming Zhai,
Co-Chair: Kent J. Crippen,
Asian and Pacific Islander Science Education Research (APISER)
The APISER RIG will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in science education research using the lenses relevant to Asian and Pacific Islander cultures, ethnicities, gender, and class, as well as the intersections of these markers. It will also serve as an intellectual network to support and mentor current and future Asian and Pacific Islander scholars within and outside of the United States, including NARST members interested in API related research endeavors.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Hosun Kang,
Dr. Edna Tan,
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Plus Science Education Research Group (LGBTQ + RIG)
This RIG provides opportunities for science education researchers to explore and discuss issues relevant to the LGBTQ+ community related to a wide range of topics including science curriculum, learning, teaching, assessment or evaluation, and policy issues in both K-16 formal and informal educational contexts. RIG members promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in science education and science education research. The LGBTQ+ RIG serves as a peer support, mentoring, and inclusive space for folks who identity as LGBTQ+. The LGBTQ+ RIG provides a formalized space inclusive of queer folk and queer research.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Sara Porter,
Dr. Colby Tofel-Grehl,