About Narst

In this section, you'll find information about:

Member Benefits

Membership in NARST comes with benefits!  

NARST Member Portal

The Member Portal provides access to meeting registration, membership functions, your member profile, and the member directory.

NARST Member Forum

The NARST Member Forum is a new feature on the Member Portal. Use the Forum to share news and converse with fellow members!

The Leadership Team

Meet the NARST Board of Directors!  The Board consists of elected voting members, non-voting ex officio members (e.g. the Executive Director, Editors), and representatives of NARST's interactions with affiliated organizations.


Members’ research topics are grouped into broad, general categories of similar interest called Strands.  Presentation proposals are submitted to Strands, and the Strands provide an informal forum for interaction of conference attendees. 

Standing Committees

Standing Committees are established by the Board, to perform long-term tasks defined by the Board. The charge to each committee is modified as needed to address the current needs of the association. 

Research Interest Groups

Research Interest Groups (RIG) are dedicated to member interests and commitments, and serve the interests of the membership. 

Affiliated Organizations

NARST may establish productive working relationships with organizations interested in policy, practices and research in science education. The intent is to encourage substantive projects in science education that extend beyond existing activities and are enriched by the joint approaches of the affiliates. 

NARST Organizational Structure

NARST is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors, advised and aided by a number of all-volunteer, organization-wide standing committees and subcommittees.  This chart shows the entire organizational structure.  

Mission Statement

In a few well-chosen words, the Mission Statement explains the purpose of NARST. 


Bylaws are the fundamental rules by which an organization governs itself. They outline the organization's structure and governance, and the procedures used to conduct its business. 

Code of Ethical Conduct

The Code of Ethical Conduct serves as a guide to the everyday professional conduct of science educators. 

In this section, you'll find information about:

Member Benefits

Membership in NARST comes with benefits!  

NARST Member Portal

The Member Portal provides access to meeting registration, membership functions, your member profile, and the member directory.

NARST Member Forum

The NARST Member Forum is a new feature on the Member Portal. Use the Forum to share news and converse with fellow members!

The Leadership Team

Meet the NARST Board of Directors!  The Board consists of elected voting members, non-voting ex officio members (e.g. the Executive Director, Editors), and representatives of NARST's interactions with affiliated organizations.


Members’ research topics are grouped into broad, general categories of similar interest called Strands.  Presentation proposals are submitted to Strands, and the Strands provide an informal forum for interaction of conference attendees. 

Standing Committees

Standing Committees are established by the Board, to perform long-term tasks defined by the Board. The charge to each committee is modified as needed to address the current needs of the association. 

Research Interest Groups

Research Interest Groups (RIG) are dedicated to member interests and commitments, and serve the interests of the membership. 

Affiliated Organizations

NARST may establish productive working relationships with organizations interested in policy, practices and research in science education. The intent is to encourage substantive projects in science education that extend beyond existing activities and are enriched by the joint approaches of the affiliates. 

NARST Organizational Structure

NARST is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors, advised and aided by a number of all-volunteer, organization-wide standing committees and subcommittees.  This chart shows the entire organizational structure.  

Mission Statement

In a few well-chosen words, the Mission Statement explains the purpose of NARST. 


Bylaws are the fundamental rules by which an organization governs itself. They outline the organization's structure and governance, and the procedures used to conduct its business. 

Code of Ethical Conduct

The Code of Ethical Conduct serves as a guide to the everyday professional conduct of science educators.