Conference Presentation Formats
Stand-Alone Paper by individual author or co-authors.
Traditional presentation format allows for 15-20 minutes of individual presentation time (typically, four papers are scheduled per session for 90 minutes total and will be grouped by strand co-coordinators by theme) in a theater-style setting.
Related Paper Set by multiple authors or co-author groups.
Groups of authors/co-authors must submit a set of four to five papers for presentation in a single 90-minute time block in the program. The proposal must show clearly the topic focus of the set. Papers within a set will be judged holistically. The group submitting the set will be required to identify their own presider (and possible discussant) for the session and will decide on the time allocations in the 90-minute block for presentations and discussion.
Interactive Poster Paper by individual or co-authors.
A single author or a group of co-authors may prepare a paper for presentation in an interactive poster format. Authors are required to have copies of their paper available for dissemination. Poster session presenters will be grouped with other poster presenters from the same strand for a 90-minute time block. There could be as many as 20 posters scheduled at the same time, so individuals can interact with the presenters, and move to other posters in the same session.
Roundtables by individual or co-authors.
Roundtable sessions allow maximum interaction among presenters and with attendees. Papers accepted for a roundtable session will be grouped into tables with three to four papers per table, clustered around shared interests. The roundtable session will be scheduled for a 60-minute time slot with roundtable presenters proceeding according to guidelines distributed at the roundtable sessions. No additional audiovisual equipment, such as a screen or LCD projector, is provided. Authors wishing to display information may do so from their own laptop computer screens or distribute handouts. Please note that no power source will be provided.
Symposium by multiple presenters.
Groups of participants may propose a symposium on a topic or issue. The proposal must involve four to ten participants and clearly describe the strand in which it is being presented, the specific focus for the symposium, and the role of each participant. These symposium sessions will be given a 90-minute time block in the program. Symposium proposals must be submitted as a single document; they may not contain individual papers. The group submitting the set will be required to identify their own presider (and possible discussant) for the session and will decide on the time allocations in the 90-minute block for presentations and discussion.