Equity and Ethics Committee, Jan 2014

Committee Chairs
The Equity and Ethics (E&E) Committee provides leadership to the organization on issues of equity and ethics including, but not limited to, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disabling conditions, sexual orientations, language, national origin and religion. As Co-Chairs, we are excited to update you on E&E Committee projects in progress and offer you previews of events for the upcoming NARST 2014 Annual International Conference.
Code of Ethics
The E&E Committee has developed a draft of the NARST Code of Ethical Conduct. A final version of the Code will be shared with the broader membership via the NARST website and at the annual meeting.
Pre-Conference Workshop
This annual pre-conference workshop is designed for scholars of color and individuals interested in equity and social justice scholarship in science education. The theme for the pre-conference workshop is “Awakening Dialogues: Advancing Science Education Research, Practices, and Policies as Equity Researchers.” Participants will engage in critical dialogue about advancing research, practices, and policies that affect the work of equity-minded scholars in science education.
New Scholars Symposium
This annual symposium features the work of our 2013 Jhumki Basu Scholars and our Hedy Moscovici Teaching Award Scholar. These scholars will present exciting and compelling research that spans teacher education, teacher professional development, formative assessment, curricula, and science content. The scholars bring diverse educational perspectives that will shape science education, and they present new approaches to help us understand challenges and successes of working with science teachers, students, and programs.
E&E Committee Sponsored Session
There are many issues impacting the education of our children in today’s schools. In this session, representatives from Project Hope, Pittsburgh School District, and eminent scholar and plenary panelist Ana Becerra will discuss local issues that have national impact on our children’s education, specifically children from diverse economic, cultural, linguistic, and social backgrounds.
Social Action & Outreach Projects
We are excited to adopt four K-8 schools in Pittsburgh. Members are encouraged to donate books (see NARST website) for the E&E Book Drive for these schools. In addition, teams of 3-4 NARST members may adopt a classroom and engage the students in hands-on, inquiry-based lessons. Additional details are forthcoming on the NARST website.
Equity Dinner
The annual Equity Dinner will be held at the Savoy Restaurant in downtown Pittsburgh. To attend the dinner, be sure to purchase your ticket when registering for the conference!
We welcome all NARST members to support the many activities and initiatives of the E&E Committee. If you have suggestions or want to become involved in the committee’s work, contact Felicia (fm2140@tc.columbia.edu), Jerome (jmlshaw@ucsc.edu), or one of the committee members.
Please visit our Google site for important information and updates:
Committee Members:
Brian Fortney
Cassie Quigley
Deb Morrison
Deborah Roberts-Harris
Irene Osisioma
Jacqueline Samuel
Leon Walls
Regina Wragg
Rola Khishfe
Seema Rivera