NSTA Representatives, Jan 2014

NARST Liaison to NSTA

The Pittsburgh conference will mark the first time that NSTA will have research presentations on the NARST program. Under Kate Scantlebury’s leadership as Director of NSTA’s Division of Research in Science Education, these presentations will focus on research conducted by NSTA and its collaborators, which centers on the impact and effectiveness of the Learning Center for science teachers’ professional development. This is a result of a cooperative effort between the Research Committee (Maria Varelas), the NSTA Liaison (Deb Hanuscin), and our NSTA Representative (Kate Scantlebury).
Other NSTA Updates Include:
NSTA’s 2014 annual conference is scheduled for April 3–6 in Boston and later in the spring, the STEM conference is in New Orleans, May 14-17, 2014.
NSTA’s 2014 area conferences are in Richmond, Virginia: October 16–18, Orlando, Florida: November 6–8; Long Beach, California: December 4–6. Proposals for the area conferences are due January 15, 2014 and can be submitted at http://science.nsta.org/sessions/proposal_submission.asp.
The 2015 annual conference is scheduled for March 12–15 in Chicago. Proposals for the 2015 national conference are due April 15, 2014 and can be submitted at http://science.nsta.org/sessions/proposal_submission.asp.
NSTA has produced resources to support the Next Generation Science Standards (see NGSS@NSTA http://www.nsta.org/about/standardsupdate/standards.aspx) for supporting materials and documents.
NARST’s Publications Committee is identifying “good research worth reading” articles for NSTA’s Summer Reading program for teachers.
NSTA & NARST are sponsoring a pre-conference workshop before NARST’s Annual meeting in Pittsburgh on research dissemination avenues and opportunities at NSTA.
Each of these NSTA events are posted at our NARST Facebook page as well as scholarship applications which are available to NSTA members to attend the NARST Annual Meeting.