Publications Advisory Committee, Jan 2014

Committee Chairs
The Publications Advisory Committee has been working hard to coordinate helpful presentations and forums to engage members in our strong tradition of high quality research publication. We invite members to look for the following special PAC-sponsored sessions in the upcoming Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh:
NARST Pre-Conference Workshop (4 hours)
Developing High Quality Reviews for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Joseph Krajcik and Angela Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University
The purpose of this preconference workshop is to provide professional development for JRST reviewers. It will also provide valuable information to new researchers on what reviewers look for in a manuscript and how to prepare a manuscript for publication. During this 4-hour workshop we will work with reviewers to develop knowledge and skills for preparing high quality reviews for JRST, foster conversation on expectations for and purposes of reviews, and discuss how to handle common reviewer problems and questions. This session welcomes returning reviewers as well as those who are new to academia and are interested in submitting to and getting published in JRST or anyone who would like to become a reviewer for the Journal. JRST Editors and Associate Editors will facilitate the session.
NARST PAC Sponsored Symposium
What Might Science Education Learn from Science Communication Research?
Chair and Discussant: Stephen Norris, University of Alberta, Canada
- Heather Toomey Zimmerman, Penn State University, “Public Meanings of Science Concepts”
- Evan Szu and Jonathan Osborne, Stanford University, “The Impact of Popular Media on the ‘Pipeline’ of Future Scientists and Public Engagement with Science”
- Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology,
- “Science Education Know-How in Science Communication Training for Scientists”
- Noah Feinstein, University of Wisconsin, “Now and Later: The Differing Significance of Time in Education and Communications”
- Bruce V. Lewenstein, Cornell University.
This invited session aims at challenging the artificial separation between science education and science communication by identifying and expanding upon mutual trends based on shared research interests. Heather Toomey Zimmerman will speak about public meanings and images of science. Evan Szu and Jonathan Osborne believe the substantial shaping power of popular television and film is often overlooked as one of the drivers of student interest in science careers. Noah Feinstein will explore the differing perspectives of science education and science communication by examining two situations of interest to both fields: interpreting science news, and attending a science café. Ayelet Baram-Tsabari will address the need for applying science education know-how in science communication training for scientists. Finally, Bruce Lewenstein will speak of the connection (or lack thereof) between science education and science communication in the US policy making, drawing on recent attempts to reorganize federal funding for the two areas.
NARST PAC Sponsored Session
The Anatomy of a Good Article: Publishing in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Angie Calabrese Barton and Joe Krajcik, JRST Co‐Editors, Michigan State University
Bob Geier, Assistant Editor, Michigan State University
The purpose of this session is to engage potential authors in dialog about what constitutes a high quality article that aligns with the scope and focus of JRST. The session will offer perspectives on the anatomy of a high quality article from multiple perspectives: editors, published authors, and reviewers. The editorial team will first present their model for how manuscripts are reviewed, including the publication guidelines that reviewers of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching use when reviewing submitted manuscripts. Their presentation will be followed by comments from three panelists who represent the author and/or reviewer position. The panelists will reflect a range of expertise in research approaches. A substantial portion of time will be devoted to open discussion. This session welcomes those who are new to academia and are interested in submitting to and getting published in JRST or anyone who would like to become a reviewer for the journal.
Publications Advisory Committee Membership
Co-Chairs: Gillian Roehrig (University of Minnesota) and Carolyn Wallace (Indiana State University)
Committee Members: Gili Ad-Marbach, Julia Plummer, Danielle Ford, David Long, Daniel Meyer, Anat Yarden, Gayle Buck, Julie Bianchini, Amelia Wenk Gotwals
Graduate Student Members: Kimberly Barss and Bryan Nichols
JRST Co-Editors: Angela Calabrese Barton and Joseph Krajcik
JRST Assistant Editor: Bob Geier
NSTA Research Director: Deb Hanuscin