External Policy and Relations Committee, Jan 2017

External Policy and Relations Committee
The NARST External Policy and Relations Committee announces a new initiative to continue to develop our international collaborative efforts. The International Science Education Recognition (ISER) program is designed to recognize international events that demonstrate science education research.
As a worldwide organization for improving science teaching and learning through research, NARST is committed to helping all learners to achieve scientific literacy. The ISER program is designed to promote collaboration with other educational and scientific societies to influence science education policies. The program recognizes science education research events that include participants from any of at least three different countries. The term “event” includes conferences, symposia, workshops, or other related activities. In particular, ISER events intend to support research organizations by recognizing their initiation of collaborative events and implementation of new ideas for science education across the globe.
The ISER program is designed to achieve the following purposes:
- Provide recognition to organizations that are interested in holding international science education events for improving science education regionally by involving NARST members in the proposed activities.
- Demonstrate the commitment of NARST to improving science education research in different cultures and countries.
- Promote active interaction among science education associations globally.
- Encourage NARST members to contribute their expertise and experiences in theory and practice to different countries and regions of the world.
- Share responsibilities for improving scientific literacy of global citizens in the 21st century.
- Attract more international science education scholars to become NARST members.
- Support local benefits for the organizations participating in the ISER events.
The ISER program can build relationships across organizations and increase awareness of NARST in international contexts. Details regarding the eligibility and procedures for application and review of proposals for such recognition is posted in the updated NARST Policies and Procedures (available on the NARST website).