Do you want to learn more about how to get involved in NARST? Jan 2017

In order to make NARST more transparent and to encourage more members to become involved in NARST, the Executive Board will offer a unique professional development session during the upcoming conference in San Antonio.
When: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm, Saturday, April 22 (during pre-conference workshops)
What: Making NARST Transparent: Organization, Roles, and Responsibilities
The goal of this session is to focus on how NARST works and how to advance your career through service to NARST. You can make a difference in our NARST community, by being involved as an active participant in the leadership of NARST. We will provide an overview of the structure and organization of NARST, as well as various opportunities to become involved. This will include describing the responsibilities of different roles such as board members, committee chairs and committee members. The audience for this session includes new board members, committee chairs and members, as well as those new to NARST, including graduate students, international members, early career members, and anyone looking to be more involved in NARST. After an initial overview, we will break into groups to discuss in more depth some of the possibilities and responsibilities of different roles. We would also like your input on how to make these opportunities more visible for the larger NARST community.
The organizers hope to see many members who would like to be involved in and contribute to NARST at this session!