Membership and Elections Committee, Jan 2017

Membership and Elections Committee
The Membership and Elections Committee has been extremely busy: revising and refining protocols to align with changes in NARST ByLaws and policy; engaging in outreach for NARST elections; managing selection processes (NARST recommendations for NSTA Research in Science Education Director and Graduate Student Ex Officio Board Member); and developing the NARST election slate. The Committee has completed the slate for the NARST general elections, with the inclusion of the new Secretary-Treasurer position. The slate was approved by the Board at its October 2016 meeting. Voting instructions were mailed to members, and voting ended on February 3rd.
As the Committee completes the election cycle, it will turn its attention to membership activities at the NARST Annual International Conference. Active NARST members, please consider being a mentor for individuals attending NARST for the first time. (Look for information when you register for the conference.)