Message from the Immediate Past President, Jan 2017

This report covers the period from May 26, 2016 to December 12, 2016. As NARST Immediate Past President, Co-Chair of the Membership and Elections Committee, Chair of the Ad Hoc Organizational/Internal Committee, and member of the Presidential Team and the Financial Committee, I have been very busy.
As co-Chair of the Membership and Elections Committee and Immediate Past President of NARST, I had the responsibility of identifying potential candidates for President Elect of NARST. With the assistance of Eileen Parsons and others, we were able to identify two candidates to recommend to the NARST Executive Board at the 2016 October Board meeting. In addition, the Membership and Elections Committee has been involved in identifying a graduate student representative to recommend to the NARST Executive Board.
The Financial Committee met once using Go-To-Meeting prior to the 2016 NARST October Board meeting, and the Presidential Team met twice prior to the NARST October Board meeting and once after the NARST October Board meeting to discuss NARST business. In addition, many email messages have been exchanged among the members of the Presidential Team.
As the Immediate Past President, I worked with Randy Yerrick , Bill Kyle, and the Presidential Team to design two questionnaires – one to evaluate the 2016 International Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD and the other to determine what NARST members want from the organization. The questionnaire related to conference was sent to those who attended the conference; the questionnaire related to the organization was sent to all NARST members. The quantitative components of the questionnaires were analyzed with SurveyMonkey by Randy Yerrick and sent to me. The qualitative data were analyzed by a mathematics education doctoral candidate, Ebru Ersari, and then reviewed by me. The two preliminary reports were shared with the NARST directors at the 2016 October Board meeting, and findings from both surveys are available to members in this newsletter:
2016 NARST Annual International Conference Survey Report
2016 NARST Organization Evaluation Survey Report
Finally the Ad Organizational/Internal Committee continues to focus on its charge related to the NARST Executive Director. This charge has not been completed.