Elections Committee, July 2017

Immediate Past President and
Elections Committee Board

Director and Elections
Committee Board
The former Membership and Elections Committee now functions as two separate committees: Elections Committee and Membership Committee. The change became operative after the NARST 2017 Awards Luncheon. We provide a brief update from the Elections Committee.
Under the new governance function of the Board, the Board of Directors will serve as liaisons to the Elections Committee and engage in the work of Board committees with a governance focus (e.g., policies and procedures). NARST members will co-chair the Elections Committee, formerly co-chaired by Board Directors. Malcolm Butler from the University of Central Florida will serve as the lead co-chair of the Elections Committee, and Marcelle Siegel from University of Missouri will serve as co-chair. Many thanks for their willingness to contribute to NARST and its mission.

Committee Lead Co-Chair

Committee Co-Chair
The Elections Committee is currently managing the nomination process for the 2017-2018 elections. We take great pleasure in announcing elections for leadership positions for NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning through Research. Following the NARST 2016 Bylaws (accessible on the NARST website), current members of NARST were encouraged to nominate potential candidates for three NARST Directors-at-Large and President-Elect. Elections will be held in January 2018. Thanks to everyone who helped us advance and improve NARST by soliciting the participation of dedicated and effective leaders and submitting nominations for these positions.