JRST Editors, July 2017

Dana Zeidler and Fouad Abd-El-Khalick
We are happy to report on the just-released, 2016 bibliometrics for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST). As you know, JRST is ranked in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which draws on data from the Clarivate AnalyticsTM (previously Thomson ReutersTM) Web of ScienceTM. JRST is ranked along with all 235 journals indexed under the “Education & Educational Research” journals category.
JRST continues to be not only the #1 performing journal in the field of science education, but among the top performing of all education and educational research journals:
- With a 2016 impact factor of 3.179—the highest ever received by the Journal—JRST is ranked 9th of 235 journals; and
- With a total of 5,337 citations in 2016, JRST is ranked 4th among all 235 indexed education and educational research journals.
These strong metrics speak to the influence, impact, and reputation of the journal. As the official publication of NARST, these strong JRST rankings reflect the high quality of your scholarship and scholarship in the field of science education writ large.