2021 Conference Summary and President’s Closing Remarks
Dear NARST Members,
April 7-10, 2021 NARST, by necessity, held its first virtual conference. On one hand, the 2021 virtual conference was less than the ideal of an in-person conference; on the other, it provided a space for individuals to come together, to share their work and to engage. Thanks to the work of many, the 2021 virtual conference resulted in some positive outcomes, as noted in the 2021 NARST Conference Post Event Summary Report. (You must be logged on to the NARST website in order to access the PowerPoint Summary.) If future conditions dictate the two viable choices presented this year—no conference or a virtual one—then perhaps the invaluable lessons from this initial implementation will prove useful.
At the close of the 2021 conference, I stated my farewell. It was an honor to serve as your President and a privilege to work with a team of extraordinary individuals—Board members, committee leaders, committee members, ad hoc group members, and compensated personnel. The 2020-2021 term was replete with unexpected challenges, but time and time again, individuals sacrificed their own self-interests, came together as a team, and tackled the challenges when feasible and rose above them when necessary, all in service to the best interests of NARST. Because of the selfless dedication of these devoted individuals, NARST excelled at a difficult time for professional organizations across the globe and remains well positioned for the work ahead.
On Saturday, April 10th at the conclusion of the conference, I passed the virtual gavel to Renee Schwartz, your new NARST President. Please join me in wishing her the very best and much success in the 2021-2022 term.
Eileen Carlton Parsons
Immediate Past President