Message to the Membership

Dear NARST members,
I would like to take the opportunity of launching the new website to applaud all those who worked very hard in the last couple of years on this website, and especially, the website committee chaired by Dr. Scott McDonald. I look forward to see much more information posted and much more activity on the website. Please note that we might experience some glitches which will addressed and fixed as quickly as possible.
The new website is a great opportunity for me to give you some heads-up on our upcoming 2020 conference in Portland Oregon.
I hope you all got the information on your proposals by now. I want to share my appreciation to the excellent work done this year in providing timely review. Thanks to strand coordinators, reviewers and Paul Kemp, NARST Program and Data Coordinator who orchestrated this effort.
Roundtables – We will have a new presentation format in Portland. Roundtable sessions will replace one of the poster sessions. Those of you who were accepted to present a poster, can now apply to present in a roundtable, which enables close interaction of three presenters and a small audience. A message will go to the relevant people soon.
A special Award Recognition Ceremony – will be added to the first night, in conjunction with the Presidential Reception. Please join us to applaud and respect the recipients of 2020 NARST awards.
We urge you to begin your travel arrangements to Portland, which is a beautiful city, with great food, wonderful places to hang out and good weather in mid-March.
Registration is about to open soon, as well as renewal of your membership for 2020.
Membership survey
In its October meeting, NARST Board has discussed a few important strategic directions on which we wish to get the membership feedback. This feedback will further inform the Board’s discussions on future directions for the organization.
We appreciate you taking the time to respond to the survey and sharing your thoughts in the open-ended comment boxes as well. Go to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B72Q2RR
I am excited, and invite you all to try our website.
Tali Tal, NARST President