NARST Selects Troy Dow Sadler and Felicia Moore Mensah as the New JRST Editors

On behalf of the NARST Board of Directors and the Publication Advisory Committee, we are pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Troy Dow Sadler (UNC Chapel Hill) and Dr. Felicia Moore Mensah (Teachers College, Columbia University) as the incoming Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST). Troy and Felicia were selected as the result of a search conducted by a group comprised of both Board and NARST representatives (chair: Gail Richmond), and the recommendation was approved by the NARST Board following its March meeting. The new editors’ term runs from 2020 - 2025.
We wish to use this opportunity to thank the outgoing editors, Dr. Fouad Abd-El-Khalick and Dr. Dana L. Zeidler, for their outstanding leadership of the journal these past five years. Troy and Felicia will begin handling new submissions in January 2020, while Fouad and Dana will continue to adjudicate manuscripts already in the pipeline. There will be an opportunity for NARST members to interact with the new editors at the 2020 NARST Annual International Conference in Portland, OR (March 15 – 18, 2020).
Dr. Tali Tal
NARST President