NARST hosts several series of Virtual Events and Webinars:
- Presidential Series – planned by current NARST President
- Committee Series – planned by one or more NARST Committees
- RIG/Strand Series – related to a specific RIG or strand topic
- Research to Practice Series – focused on translating research into practice
- Town Hall – opportunity for membership to discuss and interact around an issue
Virtual Events in November 2024
The following events are scheduled. Most virtual events require registration to receive Zoom connection information. Registration is free! For more information about virtual events, see the Virtual Events and Webinars page.
Webinar: Teaching School Genetics in the 2020s: Why naïve Mendelian genetics has to go
Monday, November 4, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
The way we teach Mendelian genetics in schools deprives school students of gaining an authentic image of both hereditary phenomena and of the nature of science. Mendelian genetics is a research program that dominated the first half of the 20th century, whereas it continued to be active during its second half despite the “molecular revolution”.
This presentation corrects the distorting stereotypical representations of Mendelian genetics and provides an authentic picture of how science is done, and also explains how the oversimplifications of Mendelian genetics were exploited by ideologues to provide the presumed “scientific” basis for eugenics. In their place, it proposes a shift in school education from teaching how the science of genetics is done using model systems to teaching the complexities of development through which heredity is materialized.
NARST API Townhall Meeting: Listen to API scholars and Allies
Tuesday, November 12, 8:00p – 9:30p EST
Sponsored by: Asian and Pacific Islanders Research Interest Group
The NARST API RIG leadership team will host a town hall meeting to listen to API scholars’ and allies’ needs, aspirations, and concerns, so that the leadership can plan 2024-2025 RIG activities that are responsive to the ideas and concerns shared in this forum.
This event also aims to facilitate community building and networking among API scholars, allies, and beyond.
During this session, participants will be invited to choose the topic or problems that they are interested in, engage in conversation with others in breakout rooms, and generate recommendations for the NARST API RIG leadership.
Presented by: NARST API RIG Leadership - Hosun Kang (Chair), Edna Tan (Co-chair), Jennifer Tripp (Secretary), Peng He (Treasurer), Xiufeng Liu (Steering Committee Chair)
Understanding How Black and Hispanic Students’ Career Aspirations Evolve During Middle and High School
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 1-2 pm EST
The continued shortage of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professionals in the United States has urged researchers and educators to examine how best to increase and diversify the STEM workforce. Of utmost concern is the underrepresentation of Black and Hispanic students in the STEM workforce. Because many students begin to formulate career aspirations during adolescence, it is critical to understand how career aspirations change during middle and high school.
To this end, we conducted a survey of 1,134 beginning college students at 23 institutions in the U.S., including Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions, asking students to report their career aspirations at four time points-- from the beginning of middle school to the beginning of college.
In this webinar, we will share our findings
Organized by: Dr. Tingting Reid
Virtual event in December 2024
Climate Change and Environmental Education: the Challenges of Language Use, Curriculum Design and Making Meaningful Connections
Monday, December 2, 2024, 11:00am – 12:00pm ET
Profound understanding can be a vibrant power for education, leading to a path for taking steps to protect positive environment protection. One aspect is communication among the scientists & the scholars of humanities to convey the concepts correctly.
Explanatory understanding plays an important role for effective environment education. The term climate change is also discussed with various aspects. Use of effective science terms to improve understanding. Some pathways to make science concepts effectively understandable. The art and science of making effective diagrams to convey science concepts In a multilingual world - to reach all needs of multilingual communication. Multiple forms of environment (considering physical environment, cognitive environment, social environment, language environment and other forms). How this approach can facilitate multidimensional pathways for environment education.
Dr. Altaf Qadeer,