2020 Annual International Conference

2020 Annual International Conference

The conference venue is...
Portland in spring

Plenary Presentation by Professor Yossi Leshem

Prof. Leshem very kindly recorded a video presentation of his keynote lecture, "Migrating birds know no boundaries: the scientific and educational dimension".

Conference Program Book with Links to Presentations

Over two hundred of the 2020 conference presentations are now available online.  At the author's discretion, presentations were deposited in PPT, PDF, or narrated video presentation format. To view presentations, download and open the Conference Program Book with Presentation URLs.  Click on any presentation title displayed in blue text.  

We thank the contributing authors for their generosity!

Conference Cancellation

The 2020 NARST conference in Portland, OR was cancelled by the NARST Executive Board after much discussion and in light of our primary concern, which is the health and well-being of our members, located in the U.S. and abroad. 

We thank you for your patience and understanding.  

The Executive Committee,

Tali Tal, President
Eileen Parsons, President-Elect
Gail Richmond, Immediate Past President


Portland Marriott
Downtown Waterfront
Portland, OR
Exhibit and Sponsor Opportunities