Emily Dare Candidate Statement
Emily A. Dare, PhD
Candidate for NARST Director at Large
Institutional Affiliation: Florida International University
I am delighted to be considered as a new addition to the NARST Board of Directors! I have been a member of NARST since 2012. Over the past decade, I have had the pleasuring of serving NARST as a proposal reviewer, conference presenter and presider, conference symposium discussant, strand coordinator, Publications Advisory Committee member, Editorial Review Board member for JRST, and Associate Editor for JRST. In looking for ways to be more involved in NARST as an organization, it seems fitting to seek a position in which I would be a part of a team whose interests lie in continuing to find ways to best meet the needs of the NARST community. My vision for NARST is grounded in my passion for science, science teaching, and science education research. This means including practical applications and sharing new and novel methodologies to better understand the many challenges we face within science education to provide all learners with opportunities to become scientifically literate. As part of this, it is important to collaborate across individuals with varied interests to encourage learning from one another. This includes clear communication between those in NARST leadership positions and the NARST membership through formal and informal methods.